
In each township there shall be a board of township trustees consisting of three members. Two of such trustees are elected in November of the year preceding a gubernatorial election and the remaining trustee is elected in November of the year preceding a presidential election. Each township trustee elected shall hold office for a term of four years, commencing on the first day of January next after their election.

The Board of Trustees is the legislative authority in the township and fulfills many executive responsibilities. The Board oversees the maintenance of township roads, cemeteries and parks, and provides for safety services and zoning as deemed necessary. While many services are required, the Ohio Revised Code specifies that townships may, if they desire, provide other services.

Meetings are held at the Fire Hall on Shoreland, the 2nd Tuesday of the month, and are open to the public unless otherwise noted. Meetings start at 6:00 PM unless otherwise noted.

Lexipol Policies

Washington Township Newsletters

Records Commission


Resolution 57 22 Prohibiting Parking Snow


Phone: (419) 726-6621